Chatsunami is a casual chat between friends about a variety of topics from gaming and films to anime and general interests. Available on Spotify, iTunes and all good podcasting apps.
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Hello ho ho Pandalorians and Happy December. With only 24 days left to go until Christmas, I want to bring some festive cheer. And what better way than to wish one another a Merry Christmas? That's where you come in! I want to record an epi…
Season 3 may be over but that doesn't mean that the content is! Join Satsunami, Adam, Andrew and Craigy C as they take on a variety of topics, from gaming and films to anime and general interests! Check out our themed months from Season 3 a…
Satsunami is the founder and primary host of Chatsunami. After starting the show in 2020 as part of his Twitch streaming endeavours, Satsunami has made the podcast his primary focus. Based in Scotland, Satsunami enjoys a variety of hobbies from gaming to language learning. He is also the team's resident Sonic aficionado!
Co-host of the Chatsunami podcast and expert in all things Terminator, Bioshock and even history!